India is a vast nation with 28 states and at least 718 districts. In order to identify regions, Indian postal department has allotted a unique code known as 'Pin Code' to each district/village/town to aid delivery of postal services.
Pin Code stands for Postal Index Number Code. Also known as Zip code or the area postal code, it holds importance as the entire postal system of the country works around it.
The zip code provides all the information related to your address and all important deliveries ranging from letters to couriers or online purchases are depended on this code.
This code is made up of six numbers offering complete information about the area where you reside. Each of these numbers is designed for a specific area. India is divided into six special zones and each pin code gives information of one or the other special zone. It indicates the state, district and name of Post Office.
पिन कोड फाइंडर
- Abasana
- Adroda
- Adval
- Ahmedabad G P O
- Akru
- Alampur
- Alau
- Ambalia
- Ambaliara
- Ambareli
- Ambawadi Ahmedabad
- Ambli
- Ambli
- Amraiwadi
- Anandnagar Ahmedabad
- Andej
- Aniali Bhimji
- Aniali K
- Arnej
- Asalgam
- Asarwa Chakla
- Asarwa Ext South
- Ashoknagar
- Ashram Road P O
- Aslali
- Azad Society
- Badarkha
- Bagad
- Bagodara
- Bajarda
- Bakrana
- Bakrol
- Bakrol
- Baldana
- Balsasan
- Bamroli
- Bamsara
- Bapunagar
- Bareja Ahmedabad
- Barwala Ghelasha
- Bavaliary
- Bavla Market Yard
- Bavla
- Behrampura
- Bhadaj
- Bhadana
- Bhadiad
- Bhairavnath Road
- Bhangadh
- Bhankoda
- Bhat
- Bhavda
- Bhayla
- Bhojwa
- Bholad
- Bhoyani
- Bhurkhi
- Bhuvaldi
- Bilasia
- Bodakdev
- Bodia
- Bol
- Bopal
- Bordibazar Viramgam
- Buranpur
- Calico Mills
- Cantonment
- Chaloda
- Chandarva
- Chandial
- Chandisar
- Chandkheda Society Area
- Chandkheda
- Chandlodia
- Chandranagar
- Changodar
- Charanki
- Charel
- Chaulaj
- Chekhla
- Chhabasar
- Chhaniar
- Chharodi
- Chhasiana
- Chiada
- Chokdi
- Chuval Dangarva
- Civil Hospital
- Ctm Char Rasta
- D Cabin
- Dabhsar
- Dadhana
- Daduka
- Dadusar
- Dalod
- Daran
- Dariapur Ahmedabad
- Darpan Society
- Daslana
- Daxini Society
- Dehgamda
- Dekawada
- Delhi Gate Ahmedabad
- Deo Dholera
- Detroj
- Devaliya
- Devpura
- Devtimoti
- Dhakdi
- Dhamatvan
- Dhanala
- Dhandhuka
- Dhanwada
- Dharpipla
- Dhedasana
- Dhingada
- Dholera
- Dholi
- Dholka
- Digvijaynagar
- District Court Ahmedabad
- Dodar
- Dudheshwar Tavdipura
- Dumana
- Durgi
- Ellisbridge
- Endla
- Fangadi
- Fatepur
- Fatewadi
- Fedra
- Galsana
- Gamanpura
- Gamdi
- Gamph
- Gandhi Ashram Ahmedabad
- Gandhi Road Ahmedabad
- Gangad
- Ganol
- Garodia
- Gatrad
- Geratpur
- Ghatisana
- Ghatlodia
- Gheekanta Road
- Ghoda
- Ghodasar Ahmedabad
- Ghuma
- Girdharnagar
- Girmatha
- Gita Mandir Road
- Godhavata
- Godhavi
- Gogla
- Gomtipur
- Goraiya
- Goraj
- Gorasu
- Gota
- Gujarat University
- Gunda
- Gundi Sarvodaya Ashram
- Gunjala
- Gunjar
- Gyaspur
- Hansalpur
- Harniav
- Hathijan
- Hebatpur
- Hirapur
- Hirapura
- I E Bapunagar
- I I M
- Iawa Vasna
- Ingoli
- Isanpur
- Jagatpur
- Jakhada
- Jakwada
- Jalalpur Vajifa
- Jalampur
- Jalila
- Jalisana
- Jaliya
- Jamalpur Ahmedabad
- Jamp
- Jantanagar
- Jawahar Chowk
- Jawaraj
- Jeska
- Jetalpur
- Jholapur
- Jivraj Park
- Jodhpur Char Rasta
- Joshipura
- Juhapura
- Junapadhar
- Juval Rupavati
- Juval
- Kabir Chowk
- Kadipur
- Kadvasan
- Kalana
- Kali
- Kalupur Chakla
- Kalyangadh
- Kamiala
- Kamijala
- Kanbha
- Kaneti
- Kaniyel
- Kankravadi
- Kanz
- Karakthal
- Kasindra
- Kasindra
- Kathwada Maize Product
- Kathwada
- Katosan Road
- Kauka
- Kavitha
- Kelia Vasna
- Kerala
- Keria
- Kesardi
- Khadia
- Khadol
- Khambhada
- Khamidana
- Khandachora Dhandhuka
- Khanpur Ahmedabad
- Kharad
- Kharakuva Dholka
- Khas
- Khasta
- Khoda
- Khodiyar
- Khodiyarnagar
- Khokarnesh
- Khokhara Mehmadabad
- Khorajnanoda
- Khudad
- Khun
- Kocharia
- Kointia
- Kokta
- Kolat
- Koth
- Kothadia
- Krishnanagar Ahmedabad
- Kubadthal
- Kubernagar B A
- Kubernagar
- Kuha
- Kujad
- Kukvav
- Kumarkhan
- Kundal
- Kundal
- Kundli
- Kunpur
- Kunvar
- L G Hospital
- Lal Darwaja
- Lambha
- Lapkaman
- Limbadia
- Loliya
- Lothal Bhurkhi RS
- M D Marg
- Madhupura Market
- Madrisana
- Mahijada
- Makhiav
- Mandal Ahmedabad
- Manek Chowk
- Manekbag
- Maninagar
- Manipur
- Mankol
- Marusana
- Matoda
- Medra
- Meghaningar
- Melaj
- Memnagar
- Mingalpur
- Miroli
- Mithapur
- Modasar
- Moraiya
- Mota Tradia
- Motera
- Moti Boru
- Moti Kishol
- Moti Rantai
- Moti Vavdi
- Muktipur
- Municipal Corporation
- N C Market
- N C Mills
- Nadishala
- Nana Chiloda
- Nana Ubhada
- Nandej
- Nani Boru
- Nani Devti
- Nani Vavdi
- Nanodara
- Naranpura Vistar
- Narayannagar
- Naroda I E
- Naroda Road
- Naroda S A
- Naroda
- Narol
- Nava Vadaj
- Navagam
- Navapura
- Navda
- Navjivan
- Navrangpura
- Nayakpur
- Nedharad
- Nesda
- Nikol
- Nirnaynagar
- Noblenagar
- O N G C
- Ode
- Odhav Industrial Estate
- Odhav
- Odhav
- Ogan
- Ognaj
- Otaria Sarvodaya Ashram
- Otaria
- Padana
- Paldi Ahmedabad
- Paldi Kankaj
- Panar
- Panchham
- Panchhi
- Pandharpura
- Parabadi
- Pardhol
- Pasunj
- Pimpan
- Piplaj
- Pipli
- Pirana
- Pisawada
- Polarpur
- Polytechnic Ahmedabad
- Public Office Ahmedabad
- Rahemalpur
- Raikhad
- Railway Colony Ahmedabad
- Railwaypura
- Raipur Ahmedabad
- Rajoda
- Rajpur Gomtipur
- Rajpura
- Rakhial Udyog Vistar
- Rakhial
- Rakhiana
- Ramol
- Rampur
- Rampura Ahmedabad
- Rampura
- Ranesar
- Rangpur
- Ranip
- Ranoda
- Ranodra
- Ranpur
- Rasam
- Rayka
- Refda
- Rethal
- Revdibazar
- Ribadi
- Rohika
- Rojid
- Rojka
- Rudatal
- Rupal
- Rupgadh
- S A C
- S A Mills
- Sabarmati
- Sachana
- Sadatpura
- Sahij
- Saijpur Bogha
- Saijpur
- Saiwada
- Salajada
- Salangpur Hanuman
- Salasar
- Sanand
- Sanathal
- Sandhida
- Sangasar
- Sangpura
- Sankod
- Sarandi
- Saraspur
- Sardarnagar
- Sargwala
- Sari
- Sarkhej Road
- Sarkhej
- Saroda
- Sarsavadi
- Sathal
- Shah Alam Roza
- Shahibag
- Shahpur Ahmedabad
- Shahpur
- Shahpur
- Shahwadi
- Shardanagar
- Shastrinagar Ahmedabad
- Shela
- Shela
- Sher
- Sherpura
- Shilaj
- Shivpura
- Shiyal
- Siawada
- Sihor
- Simej
- Sinaj
- Sindharej
- Sitapur
- Sobhasan
- Sodhi
- Sola H B C
- Sola
- Solgam
- Stadium Marg
- Sub Foreign
- Sukhrampura
- Sunderiana
- Sunvala
- T B Nagar
- Tagadi
- Telav
- Telavi
- Thaltej Road
- Thaltej
- Thori Mubarak
- Thori Thumbha
- Thuleta
- Timba
- Tragad
- Transad
- Trent
- Ughroj
- Ukardi
- Ukhlod
- Umrela
- Unchadi
- Undrel
- Upardal
- Utelia
- Vadaj
- Vadgas
- Vadhela
- Vadod
- Vagad
- Valdhera
- Valhia
- Valinda
- Vanch
- Vani
- Vanpardi
- Vansva
- Vanthal
- Varmor
- Varna
- Vasai
- Vasisthnagar
- Vasna Chacharvadi
- Vasna Iawa
- Vasna
- Vastral
- Vataman
- Vatva Industrial Estate
- Vatva
- Vautha
- Vehlal
- Vejalka
- Vekaria
- Vinchhan
- Vinchhiya
- Vinzol
- Vinzuvada
- Viramgam
- Virdi
- Virochannagar
- Vishalpur
- Vithlpura
- VivekanandNagar
- Zanu
- Zanzarka
- Zanzarva
- Zezra
- Zinzar
What is Pin Code?
What is Zip Code?
India is a vast nation with 28 states and least 718 districts. In order to identify regions, Indian postal department has allotted a unique postal code of pin code to each district/village/town to aid delivery of postal services.
Zip code is the postal index number which holds importance as the entire postal system of the country works around it. The zip code provides all the information related to your address and all important deliveries ranging from letters to couriers or online purchases are depended on this code. This code is made up of six numbers offering complete information about the area where you reside. Each of these.
What is the format of Pin Code?
In India, the six digit number in the pin code is sorted by the Indian Postal Department. The first digit in the pin code represents one of the geographical regions of India. The second digit of the zip code describes a sub-region and a state's postal circle whereas the third, combined with the first two, indicates the sorting district within that zone. The final three digits are assigned to individual post offices within the sorting district.
Is there any difference between Pin Code and Zip Code?
No, there is no difference between the pin code and the zip code of your locations. Pin Code stands for Postal Index Number Code, which is also known as Zip code or the area postal code which is the post office numbering code system used by the postal services of India.